Shooting Kodak Portra 400 in Budapest

A week ago I spend a couple of days in Budapest. I had no plan to shoot street photography but I thought it would be cool to shoot some portraits.

Besides my Leica M6 and the 28mm Summicron, I brought the Canon 50mm f/1.8 LTM with me. It’s a screw mount lens from the 1950s which is very affordable and even though it is pretty old, it is capable to deliver some lovely images.

I also brought with me the Leica SL that was loaned to me by Leica Camera Austria. It is pretty bulky and not exactly lightweight but that viewfinder, absolutely gorgeous. I can’t wait to see what the successor to the almost 4 year old Leica SL will look like.

The first roll I shot was Kodak Portra 400 which I usually overexpose by 2-3 stops. The side effect is that the color is shifting and I really like that look but on the first shot I am not that happy with the result. However, later it got a lot better and I absolutely love the results, especially the photos taken on the bridge. That totally makes sense because by then the lighting was spot on. I think Portra 160 would have been a better choice to start with.

After finishing the roll of Portra 400, I quickly loaded a roll of Adox Silvermax 100. I can’t stress enough how much I love this film. Especially when using the Silvermax developer, the tonality and the contrast that film is able to deliver is outstanding. I wish Adox would offer Silvermax 100 also in 120, that would be the dream.

The Leica SL files have been edited in Lightroom using my Color Profiles. You can get them by clicking here.

If you wanna see me taking the photos, check out my Youtube video:

Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/500, f/2.0, ISO 160
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/1250, f/2.0, ISO 50
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/500, f/2.0, ISO 100
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Kodak Portra 400
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 50
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/500, f/2.0, ISO 50
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 50
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 80
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 100
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 80
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Kodak Portra 400
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/500, f/2.0, ISO 200
Leica SL, Summicron 28/2, 1/500, f/2.0, ISO 100
Leica SL, Canon 50/1.8 LTM, 1/500, f/1.8, ISO 320
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Summicron 28/2 @f/2.0, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Adox Silvermax 100
Leica M6, Canon 50/1.8 LTM @f/1.8, Adox Silvermax 100

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